Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Let me share with you my worse experience with our “so-called” country’s best mobile network MAXIS!! There is nothing special about them; in fact, they are so F%#@ED up that they make Spice Girls look intelligent. This is what happened.
End of January 2009, I had called up Maxis Customer Service to do a switch of call plan because I just got a new phone and knew that I was going to be online very frequently on that device – so the smartest thing to do is to get the best available plan. Clever of me right. So, I first called the 123 number and spoke to some Indian guy who gave me details of the plans available. I then told him that I will call him back with a confirmation.
When I did decide which was an hours later, I was attended by a Malay girl this time. So, I went through the plan with her and told her that I wanted to switch my plan to the new plan which is:
RM150 call plan; RM99 unlimited Internet usage & RM8 for a bulk of 500 SMS’s per month.
Pretty straight-forward right?
I was then travelling quite a bit and didn’t think too much about my high phone bills as I assumed they were roaming charges – WRONG THINKING!!!!
In April 09, I didn’t do any oversea travel and so logic says that I should have a much lower phone bill right – nope! My bill was RM900 over and this was when I decided it’s time I reviewed my bill. Guess what I discovered? My plan was only switched for the basic call plan but Internet usage is per-use charge. So, my call charges were RM170 and the balance RM850 over is for Internet. Freaking ridiculous and I was furious at this point.
I called Maxis customer care and asked for an investigation. I spent half hour explaining my case and was told that they will put it a dispute in the system. They said they will call me back.
2 days went by and nothing. So I called them back and spoke to someone else – so I had to go through my entire explanation again only to be told, “We will check on this and get back to you”!
Another 2 days went by and guess what – NO ONE CALLED! So I called again but this time my patience had run out, my blood pressure had shot up and my anger was out of control.
I very politely told the girl on the line that this isn’t her fault but because she attended the call, she will need to listen to me and all the bitching I’m going to do for the next 10-15 mins. She was shocked! After going through the whole things AGAIN with her, she said that the case has been escalated to her higher authority and they are waiting for the higher superiors to approve the waiver (I will tell you the amount later).
At this point I told her that I’ve heard this before all her non-pro-active colleagues and I honestly think it’s a bunch of bullshit. I also explained to her what the issue is and also was nice enough to offer them a solution – “Review the telephone conversation between the customer service agent and myself in January 2009!!!!” That was the obvious solution right??? For smart people that would have been the first thing they would have done but Maxis hires complete idiots and imbeciles. After all the yelling, she tells me that someone will call back and she guaranteed me this.
5 minutes later, some Malay guy calls me to tell me the exact same thing the girl told me and he got a piece of my mind.
Today – May 3rd 2009, was the final straw. I had already decided to switch to Celcom due to the level of care that Maxis demonstrates to their customers and also the lack of responsibility and lack for the sense of urgency. I called Maxis again – this was my 5th call and a girl called Swapna (very helpful and nice girl) answer the call. I told her that I wanted to check on the status and she said that the waiver has been approved and they are just waiting for the paperwork. It was a relief to hear that – Maxis messed up and that it was their fault. I did indeed request for a change of plan but their idiotic dumb-ass customer service agent didn’t update the system. Shows the level of intelligence of these people – all they need to do is update the plan and even that they can screw up!
So, final conclusion – they fucked up, I was right but I had to chase them to get things fixed. Imagine if I hadn’t checked my bill??!!!!
So, the total credit that I will get back from Maxis and I’ve requested that they give me a cheque is RM4,800!!!!!!!!!! Imagine how much they’ve been stealing from you!
This has really made me think and has me convinced that Maxis is actually one of the country’s biggest thieves!! Shame on you all for stealing from us!
Let’s see how long the cheque takes to get to me!
For all those reading, trust me when I say this – MOVE TO CELCOM!!!!
If anyone from Maxis is reading this – SCREW YOU AND YOUR DAMM SERVICE!!!!!
To the management of Maxis, send your staff for some “Intelligence and Competency” courses and put yourself through it too dumb-asses!!!!!


ShaolinTiger said...

Maxis is just ridiculous.

Their line quality has been horrible lately too, the past 2-3 days it's been almost impossible to get on 3G even with full signal.

Voice calls keep getting "Connection Error" and dropped in mid call.

Seriously thinking of switching to Celcom too.

Jigga said...

I completely agree!! Celcom is alot better.
Spread the word around coz Maxis thinks that we are not powerful enough!

Tash said...

Yup agree with you. I've recently signed up for Celcom since I bought a blacberry and the service is so much smoother (suprisingly)...

Azbahri said...

haha, luckily im using celcom since 4 years ago.. just leave maxis alone, let it 'die' in peace..

Anonymous said...

I'm on DiGi, much better rates and a lot of royalty programme....been with MAxis 2 years but change to DiGi with no regret at all...

Anonymous said...

Celcom is better ma.. flexible postpaid plan.. got discount up to 30%.. digi/maxis separate their user into different user group and plan, that is not user friendly.. if u sign up rm80 plan, than u MUST use rm80, if u use less u lose.. if use more also lose because the rate still same even u use up to rm150 per month..

while celcom postpaid do it in different way, all in one plan.. only rm50 per month.. you use more, they give you discount.. my bill average rm90 to rm100 per month, i got 20% discount every month... see how much i can saving? call rates only 12sen/min FLAT to any network (after considering their 20% discount on total bill).

sue j said...

same thing happened to me..
2 months ago i checked my bill and found out that somehow i've been charged for plan that i don't need. i end up calling the customer service to cancel it. they said they can cancel it within an hour. but to my surprised it didn't happen! i made a second call and they said they received the report of me want to cancel it but somehow they don't updated it in the system! in the end i have to go all the way to the center in KLCC to make this report!

i just don't understand how can it be so hard to do what they suppose to do? what's the point of having a customer service if they cannot do what their customer ask them to do?? they have to take this complain seriously and stop stealing their customer's money!!!