Singapore GP was kick ass. OH!MY!GOD! That's all I can say. Where do I even begin telling you what I did. Ok! ok! I know - I'll tell you everything.
My mates and I headed down to SG on Friday and we decided to take the bus - high class bus ok - Aeroline. As usual, the 4 of us got into the bus and headed straight to the lounge downstairs. The bus ride was rather decent - drinking water, coke and rootbeer while we played cards. Then, this one tall girl decided to join us - so happened that she is Miss Malaysia Universe 2008. Ha! ha! We only knew that when we reached Spore and she gave me her business card. I give her a star for modesty.
Friday was chilled for us. Didn't do much crazy stuff. Saturday - that's a different story. AMBER LOUNGE was the destination. We started off the day in Little India with some nice traditional Indian lunch followed by shopping in Mustafa's. Very cheap colognes - guys - this is the place to buy your personal hygiene items coz even after currency conversion, its still cheap! Then we headed to Vivo City for some Oktoberfest beers.

This was our invitation to the hottest party in town - Johnnie Walker Amber Lounge. We headed down to Millenia Walk (behind Conrad Hotel) around 9pm. That's when the party starts.

We saw the F1 track on the way there.
The city was plasted with Johnnie Walker branding. I must say - kudos to the regional and the local Spore team that worked their asses off to make F1 Spore memorable for Johnnie Walker consumers. On the way to the party location, we spotted cabs with Johnnie Walker branding. Lifestyle billboards of the Striding Man and also lollipop boys and girls who act as directional signages to JW parties in the city. How cool is that!!

Ok, this is my experience in Amber Lounge - it's been the only thing everyone spoke about since JW signed with the organizers. The moment we arrived, we were greeted by the JW girls in velvet type uniform. They gave me a marker and asked me to sign the huge backdrop - taking a pledge to Never Drink and Drive - I signed coz I didn't drive in Spore anyways :)

Then we moved to another backdrop for photo opportunity. Me and the boys posed as sexy as we could - that wasn't hard to do really!!
We were then ushered into the temporary built up club - Sonia Irvine personally tagged me upon verifying my invitation. In case you don't know who she is - she own's Amber Lounge! We were then ushered into the main arena where we picked up our JW cocktail from a beautiful JW ambassador.

L-R: JW Grand Prix, JW Yellow Flag, JW Black Circuit, JW Aerodynamic, JW Cockpit, JW Pit Stop
Immediately after that, another JW promoter girl ushered us to a seating area and introduced us to our waitress. On our table, was a bucket with pre-chilled Johnnie Walker Black Label - 2 bottles, Smirnoff Vodka - 1 bottle and Tiger Beer - 4 bottles. On top of that, there was a menu of drinks that you can order from the bar - FOC!!

The guest list was by invitation only so you can't buy your way into the Friday event at Amber Lounge. I felt so honored to be invited. Everyone there was beautiful and gorgeous. And they were all dressed to impress. The rest of the night was party party party! We had more friends join us at our lounge area and it was non-stop pounding of alcohol but in a very responsible manner. No one was acting rowdy so we behaved. Bernie Chan was there with her yellow earplugs strapped around her neck. She was hilarious - she's good fun! I like Bernie coz she's always the happy go lucky kind and has no "air" in her that she is a celebrity. Very down to earth - but BOYS!!!! she can hold her liquor. Also, Karen Chuan was there with us partying the night away. All in all, this is the first time I've been out partying with absolutely very drama-free crowd.

After all that drinking, I went to the outside bar for some fresh air and guess what - more drinking happened there at the outdoor bar. This time, I decided to become bartender. That was fun! You meet alot of people being a bartender and they tend to talk to you if you look like a capable bloke!

One of my mates - Max Loong was also there partying with his super cool parents. For those who don't know Max, he's a movie star and a TV host. Check him out - He is super cool too. He was super high - but who wasn't. Holla bro!!

Surin was "THE" man that night. He is probably the 1st person ever to take a 2 hour nap at Amber Lounge. If you think I'm pulling a fast one - check out the pic below. The man passed out - he wasn't tired - but was very high. I guess that happens when you pound alcohol into your system really really fast!!

Well, we are all glad that he got some sleep - in fact, he was the only one who got lots of sleep!!

Just as the night was winding down, I managed to get a pic with Colin (center) who is the brand ambassador for JW Malaysia and Singapore and also Alvin who is the Brand Manager for JW in Singapore - in other words - my colleagues! ha! ha! Now you all know how I got invited to Amber Lounge.
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